The Secondary School Equivalency Test (SSET) can help an adult gain access to jobs or vocational training programs that require a Secondary School Diploma or its equivalent. This evaluation tool is made available to adults who have not completed their secondary studies and who have acquired knowledge through the years.
The knowledge evaluated is organized into seven tests. To obtain the SSET, a candidate must pass both English tests and the French test, as well as two other tests chosen from the options offered. Each test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions and the minimum performance standard is 60% for each test.
Compulsory tests
Optional tests
- English Grammar
- English Reading Comprehension
- French as a Second Language
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Economics
- Natural Science
You must call us to make an appointment:
CDC Vimont (Laval)
450 688.2933 /1 877 688.2933
CDC Lachute (Laurentians)
450 562.3721
A $50 administrative fee will be charged to all students who wish to write a test
An additional fee of $10 will be charged for a rewrite, if applicable
You must bring ALL ORIGINAL documents to the Centre to be officially registered for the test